Monday, 26 August 2013

I've got a Remoska

Yes, I have.  No it's not some ugly growth on my face, or a designer watch.  It's a cooker!!!!!

Well the story is, we had an external gas point fitted to Jan the Van a few weeks ago so that we can use our Cadac BBQ, only when we got home we found out that it's actually an "extend-a-stay".  Ok if you know nothing about motorhomes that is of no interest whatsoever.  Anyway it's not what we asked for and it won't do what we want, so we are currently doing battle to see what the fitter is going to do about it.  They will be named and shamed if we can't get  anything sorted.

Anyway so we decided to look at an electric option.  Did my research and found that the Remoska, although a little pricey would mean that I can cook outside when we are away.

So yesterday, of course wanting to see the thing before buying it, we did a 16 mile round-trip to Lakeland to see one and duly came home the proud owners of a Remoska. Would have been much easier to have bought on-line.

Well a new toy, a shiny new gadget, I just had to play with it straight away - oh and being Sunday what better than to try a Sunday Roast.  Must admit Mr. Fussy eater was not disappointed.  We did port and roast potatoes.  Next time I'll add the veg. The meat was succulent and the roasties were nice and crispy - being a paddy, Mr Fussy likes his roasties.

So the point is to anyone considering buying a Remoska I think it's pretty cool.  Going to try chilli or spag bol in it this week.

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